Minelab GPZ 7000 Metal Detector

Detecting Functions
Search Modes: Gold Mode – High Yield, General, Extra Deep, Ground Type – Normal, Difficult, Severe
Noise Cancel: Auto and Manual (256 channels)
Sensitivity Level: (1–20)
Volume Range: (1–20) Limit (1–20)
Threshold Level Level: (1–50) Pitch (1–100)
Audio Smoothing: Off, Low, High
Ground Balance: Auto and Manual (Quick‑Trak trigger button)
Mapping Functions
GPS Coordinates: DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds), DM (degrees, minutes)
Zoom Levels: 10×10, 20×20, 100×100 (metres/yards per cell)
GeoStore: 100 FindPoints, 100 Waypoints, 10 GeoHunts
GPS Engine: u-blox Neo-7 (56 channels, SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS)
Physical Specifications
Coil: (GPZ 14) 14″ x 13″ Super‑D Configuration with skidplate (waterproof to 1 m/3 ft)
Battery: Li-Ion Rechargeable Pack (7.2V DC, 72Wh)
Audio Output: 6.3 mm (.”) non waterproof socket, Wi‑Stream wireless signal transmission
Headphones: KOSS UR 30 100 ohm with 6.3 mm plug (.-inch) (non waterproof )
Wireless Audio: WM 12 module (14 channels) Connect one or more WM 12 modules
Display: Full colour LCD (320 x 240 pixels)
Detector Weight: 3.32 kg (7.32 lb) (Including GPZ 14 coil, skidplate and 72Wh battery)
Detector Length Collapsed: 1170 mm (46.1”) Laid flat, packed position: 1304 mm (51.3”)
Extended: 1526 mm (60.1”) Laid flat, packed position: 1651 mm (65.0”)
Harness: PRO‑SWING 45 with additional J‑strut, cross piece and GA 10 Guide Arm
Key Technologies: ZVT, Super-D, GPSi, Wi-Stream, W8
PC Connection: USB interface for XChange 2 PC software
XChange 2 Software: supplied on CD (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 compatible)
Software Updates: GPZ 7000 and WM 12 upgradeable via XChange 2 (with internet connection)
Detector Menu Page Navigation: (6 Detect pages, 5 Map pages) with built-in Guide Sequences